ShEvalesco is a boots-on-the-ground organization, empowering and inspiring youth across Canada.

Our work is not possible without the generous support of public institutions, businesses, and community donors who stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us, breaking barriers and making a difference.

We are actively moving the needle of gender equality in Canada, one awesome youth at a time.

We work with female-identified and gender-diverse youth to build critical life skills. The stuff that matters. The stuff that builds confidence. The stuff that bolsters resilience. The stuff that youth need on their journey towards personal and professional success.

Read our 2022-2023 Impact Report

shevalesco, youth participant, youth program, the club

Our Numbers, at a Glance

2017 to present


youth program participants


workshops delivered


hours of engagement


national and provincial partners


youth meaningfully employed


federally funded initiatives

Current Funders

Department of Women and Gender Equality Capacity Building Fund

Awarded in 2018 for a five year funding cycle, the Department of Women and Gender Equality Capacity Building Fund allowed our green, momentum-filled organization to look strategically into the future. Through this funding, ShEvalesco was able to bring in expertise to assist with the creation of a 5-year strategic plan and take on the development and growth of a social enterprise arm of our organization.

Annual Corporate Donor

Lawson Lundell LLP was the original sponsor of the “I Am Tenacious” Webinar Series. This webinar series created a platform for peer-to-peer connectedness and hands-on life skill-building. Since then, Lawson Lundell has become a key partner in supporting all ShEvalesco programming and operations. Thank you, Lawson Lundell, for standing shoulder to shoulder with us to empower youth!


United for YOUth provides best-in-class life skill curriculum to organizations and communities who educate, lift-up and inspire youth. The United for YOUth program would not be possible without the generous support of the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Red Cross for the Mental Health & Resilience pillar.


United for YOUth would not be possible without the generous support of Vancity for the Workplace Readiness & Financial Literacy pillars.

Thank you for supporting us as we pass the empowerment torch to community partners on their journey to lift up and empower youth!

Previous Program Funders

Corporate Sponsor of the “SHEVALESCO CONNECTS” PROGRAM

The ShEvalesco Connects program would not be possible without our sponsor, Envision Financial, a division of First West Credit Union. Moving our strength-based, fun and engaging curriculum to a pre-recorded and downloadable format, we are handing the ShEvalesco torch to BC community champions of youth who will be empowered to run their own workshops, at their own pace, in any location. Thank you Envision Financial for believing in our mission, and increasing the accessibility of our program for youth across British Columbia. 

Corporate Sponsors of the “THE CLUB"

The Club would not be possible without the generous support from RBC Foundation and Diamond Foundation. Formerly known as She Can, The Club is a free, ten-month program that focuses on empowering female-identifying and non-binary young adults to develop helpful life skills and essential connections. Thank you, RBC Foundation and Diamond Foundation, for making this program possible.

Corporate Sponsor of the “Investing in YOUth" PROGRAM and "THE CLUB"

The Investing in YOUth program was made possible by the generous support of the CIBC Foundation. This project has allowed us to convert our core financial literacy programming into a prerecorded, downloadable format on an e-learning platform, handing the empowerment torch to community champions of
youth to implement at their own pace, at any location.

The CIBC Foundation also funded the first year of The Club (formerly known as She Can); a free, ten-month program that focuses on empowering female-identifying and non-binary young adults to develop helpful life skills and essential connections. Thank you, CIBC, for standing shoulder-to-shoulder with us to uplift and empower youth!

Corporate Sponsors of the “I Care for Me" Program

The I Care for Me program was made possible by the following funders; Capilano University Alumni Association, #TakingITGlobal, the Government of Canada, Canada Service Corps, and Sprout Ideas Fellowship. Targeted at ages 9-12 and in a fully accessible, downloadable and pre-recorded format, the I Care for Me program is in it’s second year of running and has included topics such as; Self-Care, Failing Up, Body Image, Boundary Setting, and more. 

COVID-19 Emergency Community Support Fund

Thanks to the generous support of the COVID-19 Emergency Community Support Fund, ShEvalesco was able to educate and empower over 350 youth across Canada from July through November, 2020. Weekly, online workshops fostered community and peer-connectedness during this time of social isolation, and immersed this population of youth in key life skill development programming.

The COVID-19 Emergency Community Support Fund also supported our Girls Who LEAP partnership program, including: direct services for youth (hot meals, snacks, clothing, back-to-school supplies, grocery gift cards and transportation); the development and printing of curriculum workbooks; and weekly programming focusing on peer connectedness, peer-mentor connectedness, mental health, resiliency, volunteerism and cultural training.  

Thank you for believing in the work that we do to empower youth!

Thank you to our previous community donors for their generous support: