E-Learning Programs

ShEvalesco offers barrier-free, pre-facilitated, and recorded online programming for youth-serving organizations across Canada.

Program Features

Our e-learning programs are designed with the following features to ensure maximum impact and accessibility:

Barrier-Free Access: Our programs are accessible to all organizations, regardless of location, ensuring that youth across Canada can benefit from our resources.

Pre-Facilitated, Recorded, and Downloadable: Programs are fully facilitated, recorded and downloadable, allowing for flexible implementation at your convenience.

Comprehensive Resources: Each program includes downloadable resources, activity instructions, and handouts to support effective facilitation and engagement.

All e-learning initiatives are currently CLOSED.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Our E-Learning Journey

Summer and Fall 2020: “I Am Tenacious” Life-Skill Webinar Series

In the summer and fall of 2020, we piloted a life-skill webinar series to address the well-documented impacts on youth during the pandemic. The results were astounding: more youth demand than spots available, a 100% retention rate, and overwhelmingly positive feedback from both youth and parents. The I Am Tenacious Program would not be possible without our partner and program sponsor, Lawson Lundell LLP. 

June 2021: “ShEvalesco Connects”

Building on this success, we launched ShEvalesco Connects in June 2021. Generously sponsored by Envision Financial, this program aimed to increase the accessibility of life skill-based pre-recorded programming for female-identified and non-binary youth aged 12-18. The response exceeded our expectations, with over 750 youth from across Canada completing the program within six months.

2022-2023: “I Care for Me” and “Investing in YOUth”

Continuing to adapt to the evolving needs of youth, we launched two impactful e-learning programs in 2022 and 2023:

“I Care for Me”: This program focuses on self-care, mental health, and building resilience. It provides youth with the tools to care for their emotional and mental well-being. The I Care for Me program has been made possible by Capilano University Alumni Association, #TakingITGlobal, the Government of Canada, Canada Service Corps, and Sprout Ideas Fellowship.

“Investing in YOUth”: A program designed to teach financial literacy, goal setting, and personal development. This initiative empowers youth to make informed decisions about their future and finances. The Investing in YOUth program was made possible by the generous support of the CIBC Foundation.

Past E-Learning Initiatives

I Am Tenacious

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we launched our first life-skill webinar series.

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ShEvalesco Connects

What started it all; our first fully accessible e-learning initiative.

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I Care for Me

I Care for Me

A series dedicated to providing youth with the tools to care for their mental and emotional well-being.

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Investing in YOUth

Our comprehensive, strength-based and interactive financial literacy e-learning program.

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Explore our Other Program Streams

From direct workshop bookings and program partnerships to collaborative curriculum licensing, we do a lot! Discover more of our programming streams below.


Click here to learn about the variety of youth workshops that we offer.

Program Partnerships

Click here to learn about our long-term program partnership opportunities.

CUrriculum Licensing

Click here to learn about our curriculum licensing program, United for YOUth.

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