Curriculum Licensing

United for YOUth: Our Curriculum, Your Voice

Through collaborative partnerships with youth-serving organizations, United for YOUth strives to get the best-in-class ShEvalesco life skill curriculum directly into the hands of youth champions, and in turn, empower youth with the knowledge, skills and tools they need to thrive.

The Curriculum

The United for YOUth curriculum features three essential life skill pillars, each with seven workshops. All workshops are interactive, rooted in peer-reviewed evidence, strength-based, and trauma-informed.

  1. Self-Awareness & Thinking Traps
  2. Boundary Setting
  3. Failing Up
  4. Self-Compassion
  5. Stress & Anxiety
  6. Sadness & Depression
  7. Self-Care

Learn more about the Mental Health & Resilience curriculum

  1. Assertive Communication
  2. Personal & Professional Self-Advocacy
  3. Wage Negotiation
  4. Decision-Making & Accountability
  5. Navigating Criticism & Feedback
  6. Informational Interviews & Networking
  7. Mentorship

Learn more about the Workplace Readiness curriculum

  1. Financial Wants vs Needs
  2. Budgeting
  3. Banking Basics: Accounts & Services
  4. Everything Credit Cards: Part I
  5. Everything Credit Cards: Part II
  6. The Workflow of Earning Money: Paycheques, Deductions & Taxes
  7. Bonus Mini Workshop: The Personal Tax Credits Form (TD1)

Learn more about the Financial Literacy curriculum

What's included?

By licensing the curriculum, partners have access to the resources, materials and support needed to facilitate the program directly with youth. This includes:

  1. A slide deck for each workshop
  2. A comprehensive, scripted facilitation guide for each workshop
  3. Handouts and instructions for interactive activities
  4. Additional resources & helpful websites
  5. A train-the-facilitator session with ShEvalesco subject-matter experts.

Want more information? Please head over to our United for YOUth FAQ.

2025 Community Accessibility Fund Opening Soon

We have some exciting news… We are thrilled to announce that our United for YOUth Community Accessibility Fund will be re-opening in Fall 2024 for three NEW program streams;

1) Pre-Teen (ages 9-12) Mental Health & Resilience Curriculum,
2) Pre-Teen (ages 9-12) Upstream Violence Prevention Curriculum 
and 3) United for YOUth Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program.


2025 Community Accessibility Fund is OPEN!

We are thrilled to announce that our United for YOUth Community Accessibility Fund is re-opening for three NEW program streams;

1) Pre-Teen (ages 9-12) Mental Health & Resilience Curriculum,
2) Pre-Teen (ages 9-12) Upstream Violence Prevention Curriculum 
and 3) United for YOUth Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program.

Please contact our Program Manager, Veryna, at [email protected] to get started.

What is the Community Accessibility Fund?

Our Community Accessibility Fund is another way we aim to get our life skills curriculum into the hands of more youth-serving organizations and communities. Through this fund, we are able to provide organizations access to our curriculum and train-the-trainer sessions either on a sliding scale or entirely free of charge.

The Community Accessibility Fund prioritizes organizations who:

  • work with female-identified or gender diverse youth, and/or;
  • work with equity-deserving groups.

United for YOUth Program Funders

We would like to acknowledge the generous support of the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Red Cross for their support of the United for YOUth Mental Health & Resilience programming, and of Vancity for their support of the Workplace Readiness & Financial Literacy programming.

Thank you for supporting us as we pass the empowerment torch to community partners on their journey to lift up and empower youth!

Frequently Asked Questions


Click on a topic to jump to it, or feel free to browse the list of commonly asked questions below.


If your organization exists to uplift and empower youth, you are eligible! We frequently partner with secondary schools, community schools programs, non-profits/charities, social assistance organizations, leadership groups and special interest groups.

Our curriculum targets youth ages 13-25. Stay tuned for updates as we develop our tailored pre-teen (ages 9-12) programming.

Getting Started

Heck yes. Click here to review:

  1. A one-page summary for each of our curriculum pillars (Mental Health & Resilience, Workplace Readiness and Financial Literacy) 
  2. A slide deck for each pillar that (a) summarizes each workshop, (b) outlines key learning objectives and (c) provides excerpts directly from the facilitation guides

Want more info? Of course you do. Please get in touch with our Program Manager, Ivy, at [email protected].

Heck yes, again. The more we can help out with programming, the better. Discounts are available for the purchase of multiple pillars.

We recognize that not everyone is an expert in mental health, financial literacy or workplace readiness. That’s one of the key reasons we created United for YOUth in the first place – to empower organizations with the knowledge and resources to get this life-skill material out to the youth they serve. Our curriculum model is set up such that your organization will be trained on our curriculum and equipped with everything needed to run the workshops with ease. As a part of the ShEvalesco family, we are always available to support you along the way.

Please email our United for YOUth Program Manager, Ivy, at [email protected] to sign up. Make sure to include your organization name, what you do, and any questions you may have. We will work collaboratively to create an action plan that suits your organization’s needs, and most importantly, the needs of your youth.

Training Requirements

Yes, train-the-facilitator sessions are required to participate in the United for YOUth program. These sessions are available in-person (for the Greater Vancouver and Lower Mainland regions) or remotely.

Yes. To ensure an impactful and efficient training experience, we can accommodate no more than 20 individuals per session.

Yes, 20 people maximum per training session.

Folks who attend the session must be those who (a) will be facilitating the programming and (b) work with youth between the ages of 13-25. The training is highly specific to the United for YOUth curriculum (as opposed to general training on youth engagement, psychoeducation, etc.) so we want to ensure that every participant wants and needs to be there!

The train-the-facilitator sessions are hands-on and interactive. An overview of each of the seven workshops is provided along with key learning objectives. We utilize a co-facilitation approach to explore curriculum content, key interactive activities, and discussion topics. Participants can expect to gain experience facilitating the curriculum in real-time. 

Our community partners also have the opportunity to opt-in to a one hour facilitation skills training, ideal for organizations who have less experienced facilitators. This portion of the training examines best practices for youth-focused facilitation, with special care given to the topics of neurodivergence, pronoun usage, and territory acknowledgements.

Train-the-facilitator sessions are conducted by ShEvalesco subject-matter experts, including Registered Clinical Counsellors and financial experts.

Following completion of the train-the-facilitator session(s), our Program Manager will send your organization digital access to all curriculum materials, including:

  • A slide deck for each workshop
  • A comprehensive, scripted facilitation guide for each workshop
  • Handouts and instructions for interactive activities
  • Additional resources & helpful websites

Community Accessibility Fund

The Community Accessibility Fund eliminates barriers that may prevent community organizations from participating in the United for YOUth program. For qualifying organizations, ShEvalesco either fully or partially subsidizes the annual licensing fee (including train-the-facilitator costs) for the first year of program participation.

The Not-So-Fine Print

At ShEvalesco, we like to do things a little differently. We know what it’s like to work with youth; you have to be adaptable and nimble. Every organization has different needs when it comes to the circles of youth they serve. Some will use this curriculum to facilitate group workshops, others will pick and choose parts of the programming to use one-on-one with youth; others might want to combine or shorten workshops. If it works for you, it works for us.

The only restriction we impose is the ability to edit and customize our slide decks, as we want to ensure the integrity of our original programming (see below). Other than that, the curriculum is your oyster.

We do not provide editable versions of our workshop slides to maintain the integrity of our carefully chosen words. We do, however, encourage each and every community partner to tailor their facilitation style and content to the circles of youth they serve, integrating their personal experiences and perspectives (a critical component of encouraging youth to participate in life-skill programming).

It is important to note that ShEvalesco strives to foster open, transparent and collaborative relationships with our community partners. Our curriculum is critically evaluated each year and changes are made annually based on partner feedback and suggestions. In other words, we want to see your youth’s needs and voices reflected in every workshop we offer – and we’ll be coming to you for help!

Yes! A requirement of the United for YOUth program is the Community Partner Licensing Agreement. This is a short and sweet document outlining important details related to intellectual property, the project term, providing us with feedback, etc.

Absolutely not. The Community Accessibility Fund is all about accessibility and relationship-building. If your organization tries out the curriculum and decides it’s not for you, we will ask how we can improve and then say ‘see you soon’!

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Program Manager, Ivy, at [email protected]

Explore our Other Program Streams

From direct workshop bookings and program partnerships to collaborative curriculum licensing, we do a lot! Discover more of our programming streams below.


Click here to learn about the variety of youth workshops that we offer.

Program Partnerships

Click here to learn about our long-term program partnership opportunities.

E-Learning Initiatives

Click here to learn about our barrier-free e-learning programs.

Go back to our Programs & Services page

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