We are committed to providing youth empowerment programs that are strength-based and evidence-driven.

In collaboration with community organizations and like-minded partners, we create youth empowerment programs focused on the skills and knowledge youth need to thrive.

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Current Programs

United for YOUth

United for YOUth provides best-in-class life skill curriculum to organizations and communities who educate, lift-up and inspire youth. Focused on three critical life skill pillars, mental health and resilience, financial literacy and workplace readiness, this program aims to empower youth with the knowledge they need to confidently navigate life. To learn more, please click here.

The Club

The Club, formerly known as She Can, is a free, ten-month program that focuses on empowering female-identifying and non-binary young adults to develop helpful life skills and essential connections. We are happy to announce that The Club is now in it’s third year of running! Thank you, RBC Foundation and Diamond Foundation, for making this program possible. To learn more, please click here.